Commuter Tips for Motorcycles

Posted on: December 21st, 2014 by chadman No Comments

How to get to work in one piece!

  1. Obey the golden driving rule: Ride and/or drive unto others as you’d have them drive around you!
    So, if you don’t like having that BMW cut across the doubles in between the bikes in your wolfpack, don’t do the same thing to all the Audis trying to get to work on time on the 405 during rush hour.
  2. Get a tall ADV bike so you can see over traffic, or
  3. Get a loud Harley bike, because people actually like Harleys and will make room for you when you split traffic
  4. Add aux lighting to your bike so you stand out more. Just don’t blind people with them
  5. Get an aftermarket horn. Sometimes you’ll need it and most OEM horns are worthless
  6. Don’t ride in a hurry. That’s how you go too fast and get yourself in trouble
  7. If you’re in California or, well, in any other country besides the US, lane-share smart. Follow the CHP (or your local) guidelines
  8. Have enough gas to get where you’re going
  9. Reflective stuff helps at night. Dayglow may or may not help. Some people think it turns you into a target fixation item
  10. Please don’t run your hi-beams during the day or night. Pissed off cagers will be out to get us – except maybe when you’re lane sharing
  11. If you’re stuck in traffic or lane sharing and get pinched off, just wait. An opening in traffic always comes. Better to wait a few moments than to crack a few mirrors
  12. If you’re going to listen to something during your commute, make it something calming so you’re not encouraged to speed
  13. …and don’t listen to audio too loud because you want to hear what’s going on around you
  14. Watch out for cabbies and commercial vehicles. Their passengers are more important than you, the driver has no idea where he’s going, and he’ll suddenly dart across 3 lanes (and your bike) while reading Waze on his phone. Be warned

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